(set #arexx-request "Quiere instalar los Scripts ARexx incluidos?")
(set #logos-request "Quiere instalar los logotipos incluidos?")
(set #iconset-request "Qué set de iconos quieres instalar?")
(set #iconset-amwb "MagicWB Alternatívos")
(set #tbi-request "Quiere instalar la titlebar.image?")
(set #tbiold-request "Intaller ha descubierto que hay una antigua versión de titlebar.image instalada en su sistema. Quiere reemplazarla con la nueva versión?")
(set #copysf-request "Copiando Ficheros de SimpleFind")
(set #copyarexx-request "Copiando ARexx Scripts")
(set #copylogos-request "Copiando Logos")
(set #standarticon-text "Instalando set standard de iconos (4 colores)")
(cat "Para empezar SimpleFind facilmente desde una ventana Shell se debe especificar una ruta"
"en el fichero User-Startup.\n\nRuta \"%s\" ADD\n\nQuiere que Instaler haga"
"esto por usted?"))
; ----- English string section -----
(set #wrongversion
(cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' "
"on your Amiga!\n\nThe installation procedure needs at least Installer 43.3.\n\n"
"Please check your configuration!"
(set #nocopyicon-text
(cat "Couldn't find the program IconCopy!\n"
" Usually it is included within the SimpleFind archive."))
(set #welcome "Welcome to the the Installation of SimpleFind!")
(set #kind-request "Should SimpleFind be installed in a single directory? (recommened)")
(set #singledir-request "Where should SimpleFind be installed?\n(A directory called SimpleFind is created, if it doesn't exists)")
(set #lang-request "Which languages should be installed?\n(english is built in)");
(set #guide-request "Which documentations should be installed?")
(set #arexx-request "Do you want to install the included ARexx Scripts?")
(set #logos-request "Should the included logos be installed?")
(set #iconset-request "Which icon set should be installed?")
(set #iconset-amwb "Alternate MagicWB")
(set #tbi-request "Should the titlebar.image be installed?")
(set #tbiold-request "Intaller has discovered that there is an older version of the titlebar.image installed on your system. Should it replaced with a newer version?")
(set #copysf-request "Copying SimpleFind files")
(set #copyarexx-request "Copying ARexx Scripts")
(set #copylogos-request "Copying Logos")
(set #standarticon-text "Installing standart 4 color icons now...")